Sunday, June 28, 2009

2009 BET Awards Dedicated to Music Icon Michael Jackson

With the untimely passing of an incomparable legend, the 2009 BET Awards will be shifting gears to honor the late Michael Jackson and his contributions to not only the music industry, but to the entire world. His loss is a difficult one to accept and BET will do its part to ensure that his legend lives on.

The 2009 BET Awards will be dedicated to the life, legacy and legend of music icon, Michael Jackson.

Jackson’s impact on our lives has been significant. Whether exhibited by his humanitarian efforts, his ability to reshape the concept of a music video, or his engaging star power, “The King of Pop” is unlike any other artist, defining the very fabric of what popular music is today.

Michael Jackson’s influence is undeniable, as traces of his style are prevalent in a number of today’s top artists. But his significant impact on this network will also forever be etched into the history tablets of Black Entertainment Television.

“Michael’s influence is felt every day in so many ways at BET Networks, and it’s been that way throughout our network’s entire 29-year history. We watched him grow up, and he truly feels like he is a member of our family,” Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of BET Networks, Debra Lee, said in a statement. “He will be missed more than we can say…but his legend and memory live on in the artists, musicians, producers, dancers, fans, and everyone else who looks to him for inspiration.”

Who could forget that one of the most memorable milestones in BET history was Michael Jackson's surprise appearance during the tribute to James Brown at the 2003 BET Awards? His impromptu performance with the “Godfather of Soul” left everyone breathless.

It is hard to believe that both the “Godfather of Soul” and “The King of Pop” are now both gone – but never, ever forgotten.

Jackson has done more for music and popular culture than any other artist; his influence crosses generations, races, genders and even continents. That incredible global reach matched with decades of musical integrity and genius is why Jackson was the very first artist inducted into the BET Walk of Fame back in 1995.

Taking all of his monumental contributions into consideration, the 2009 BET Awards will be dedicated to the unparalleled “King of Pop” and we will spend the evening paying tribute to the legacy of Michael Jackson.

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